Cake of Chocolate of Liqüidificador (Bolo de Chocolate de Liquidificador)
Ingredients (Ingredientes)
Mass (Massa)
1 xícara (s) (tea) of warm milk (1 xícara(s) (chá) de leite morno(a)
3 unit (s) of egg (3 unidade(s) de ovo)
4 spoon (soup) of melted margarina (s) (4 colher(es) (sopa) de margarina derretida(s) )
2 xícara (s) (tea) of sugar2 xícara(s) (chá) de açúcar
1 xícara (s) (tea) of chocolate in dust 1 xícara(s) (chá) de chocolate em pó
2 xícara (s) (tea) of wheat flour 2 xícara(s) (chá) de farinha de trigo fermento
3 spoon (you are) (soup) of maize starch
5 spoon (you are) (soup) of chocolate in dust
1 xícara (s) (tea) of Water how much it is enough of salt
3 spoon (you are) (soup) of margarina
1 xícara(s) (chá) de açúcar
3 colher(es) (sopa) de amido de milho
5 colher(es) (sopa) de chocolate em pó
1 xícara(s) (chá) de Água
quanto baste de sal
3 colher(es) (sopa) de margarina
Way of preparation - Modo de preparo
Dressing gown well all the ingredients of the mass in the liqüidificador.
It places in a round, dipped in grease with butter and polvilhada form with wheat flour. It bakes for about 40 minutes in average oven (180ºC), preheated.
Bata bem todos os ingredientes da massa no liqüidificador. Coloque em uma fôrma redonda,untada com manteiga e polvilhada com farinha de trigo.
Asse por cerca de 40 minutos em forno médio (180ºC), pré-aquecido.
Covering -Cobertura
It has taken all the ingredients to the fire until thickening in Brigadier General point. It covers the cake after that.
Leve todos os ingredientes ao fogo até engrossar em ponto de brigadeiro.Cubra o bolo em seguida.
seems to be a very tasty recipe ...
ResponderExcluirbecause I love chocolate ...
mauro 230
not really like chocolate ... but I liked the recipe ...
ResponderExcluirI want to try at home!
milene 211 .
ResponderExcluirDelicious, is really good! this cake is very tasty. Mafalda this blog lady is very nice.
ResponderExcluirI really liked your blog and not like the little games hehe
ResponderExcluirMafalda this recipe is very good !!!!!!!!!
I love chocolate cake ..........
Kisses ♥
not live without chocolate cake,
ResponderExcluirI love chocolate, haha '
your blog is very interesting mafalda,
camila rachel 902
Teacher Hi, your blog is beautiful, I'm already a follower in! Happy Easter to you and your entire family! kisses! Julia R.
ResponderExcluirHello Mafalda
ResponderExcluirI loved the chocolate recipe I just like chocolate cake ....
Not live without chocolate cake.
De ; Alexandre 702
mafalda owner, your blog is awesome. I enjoyed
ResponderExcluirwanted to eat everything that delights
ResponderExcluirOur delight that this chocolate cake! I'll ask my mother to do here at home because he has a great appearance there! kkkk I do and I eat everything! Yummy!
ResponderExcluirsigned: Júlia Rodrigues - 701