Do you like coca-cola?
What soft drink do you prefer?
Jeans Get Tought

These are pages from Levi Strauss` diary
Miners and railroad workers are complaining. They put a lot of heavy tools (and some gold!) in their pockets. They say the pockets are coming away from their pants. So, we are going to put copper rivets on the corners of the pockets.
I have a new label. It´s made of leather, and it shows two horses. The horses are tying to pull a pair of pants in two. of course, they can´t do it - Levi´s are too strong.
(from Blue jeans, by Susan Axbey)
I like Jeans. And you?
what do you put in your pocket?
ResponderExcluirYes,i do.
ResponderExcluirI found very interesting! I liked the recipe, which looks very tasty!
ResponderExcluirI really like Coca-Cola is also found the blog very nice
ResponderExcluirthe blog was super cool, super interesting texts with one of the most striking in my opinion was the recipe for chocolate cake is one thing that virtually all gostam.the hint as to the reading of texts in English is cool, because it is a way of showing how to better understand the text.
ResponderExcluirMafalda I really enjoyed your blog,
ResponderExcluirI will visit him whenever I can!
I think you do not need to change anything,
As is already very good ......
Kisses ♥
I love coca-cola. You like? very good.kisses...Denise.
ResponderExcluirI like very jeans. I think everyone likes.kisses...kisses... Denise
ResponderExcluiri love coca cola...kiss
ResponderExcluirI like very jeans ..ADORROO ..KISSESS
ResponderExcluirI do not conhese
ResponderExcluirdani I loved your blog loved the pictures of the shirts loved everything ta beijos
ResponderExcluirCoca-Cola is my favorite drink even these were ciriosidades wallpapers and Mrs Mafalda, congratulations on your blog ....
ResponderExcluircoca-cola is my favorite drink even these were ciriosidades wallpapers and mrs mafalda congratulations on your blo rararararara : dona mafalda eu escrevi a mesma coisa que oluis.f. porq eu naum tinha nada para falaaaa kkkkkkkkkkk so mande isso para vc ver o quan to estou enteressado para ganhr uns pontinhos rararararara tamem so fi de deus c tamem fica com deus bejuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus bay bay ????????????????
ResponderExcluirI love Coca Cola, is my favorite drink.
ResponderExcluirCongratulations for your blog is great, hugs!
I love jeans...
ResponderExcluirIt is beautiful!
I like coca cola, and I use many jeans
ResponderExcluiri not like coca-cola
but like guaraná
.................................................i very like de jeans
Mafalda congratulations thet blog was great,great I think that blog is the best blog than I already entered,because he is very creative and it is also as if it was a virtual class!!!!!!!
Mrs. Mafalda, To answer your question, I like Coca Cola and is the coca that is my favorite drink.
ResponderExcluirwas very good your blog has texts and more very interesting.
ResponderExcluirWanderson da 230 e Leandro da 210 dizem:
ResponderExcluirWe like a lot about the issues that you talked
It was very interesting
We did learn more
We conclude that we left more informed
I really like coca cola and short wear jeans
ResponderExcluirBye : Bárbara 241
I realy like coca cola
ResponderExcluirand short wear jeans ..
I LOve jeans..
Kisses kisses..
bye bye ... lorrane 230
ResponderExcluirMafalda much I love and coca cola
I like to wear jeans ........
ResponderExcluirMafalda much I love and coca cola
I like to wear jeans ........
ResponderExcluirVery much like your blog was cool games were good like the photos like you have done that who am I?like those curiosities of coca cola
class =231
ResponderExcluirQue saudades de vc !!!!!
Vc tá lembrada de mim nehh?!?!?!
A Jessica do ano passado da 8ª serie!!!!
Amo CoCa-CoLa........
e um jeans básicoo!!!!!kkkkkkkkk!
i love jeans !!!
ResponderExcluirvery good jeans !!! coca-cola delicios
ResponderExcluirSergio Gabriel
ResponderExcluirHi teacher Mafalda,congratulatios on your blog.
It is very interesting......
I also really leke coca cola,
It my favorite drink.
Keep it up.
bye bye.
I like coka cola she adjusted values even a little addictive groga person
ResponderExcluirI found the blog is pretty cool it gives me the year please
hi dani teacher and erick I do not get the mensagen Friday because of
ResponderExcluirfamily problems if you still accept the mensagen and give me the 4
points that I need I thank you
mafalda adorei seu blog
ResponderExcluirestou passando para de dar um abraço
e te desejar muitas felicidades
bjssss !!!
I love coca cola, I loved your blog
ResponderExcluirkisses ♥