[To make out (not necessarily with sex); stay (lit.)]
• He made out with a girl at the party.
• Ele ficou com uma garota na festa.
Cf. Phrasal Verbs: MAKE OUT
Cf. Como se fala “paquerar” em inglês?
Ficar means to have an intimate relationship with someone which is casual and involves little commitment. This is very common among teenagers. At parties, for example, you can ficar with several different people. This might involve dancing, chatting, buying a drink and usually includes kissing and cuddling. It can also include sex, but not necessarily. It may last for only hours, especially at social events, but it can also last for weeks or even months. If the relationship becomes more serious it is then called namoro (‘dating’) which, in theory, involves fidelity and commitment. The person is called the ficante:
• Sou ficante de fulano(a).
• I’m making out with so-and-so.
very good, especially the part of sex without commitments
ResponderExcluir:D, very good my teacher, good luck
ResponderExcluirluiz felip aqui :D
to very good
ResponderExcluirand a good text to read]
hello mafalda Hello mafalda found very interesting text that talks about it and get it so that boys nowadays think
ResponderExcluirmariana debora 901
ieah dona meus dois pontos
ResponderExcluirvery good your site !!!
ResponderExcluirmy points teacher!!!
ResponderExcluirthe teacher do not ski my points
ResponderExcluirto have to speak English is forgotten
ResponderExcluirhi teacher...your blog is great. Congratulations!
ResponderExcluirI also have one. http://teachermanoelcarlos.blogspot.com/