segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

School Holidays

The best thing is I don`t need to wake up extremely early...for the entire week. How nice.
I'm going to miss you students and friends! Back in August! hugs ...I love you..

7 comentários:

  1. I am very sad because the Lady is a Holiday! But I'm happy because you descaçará! Mrs. Happy Holidays! Kisses and Hugs! I will miss ...

    Ass: Julia Rodrigues 701

  2. Happy holidays, enjoy a lot the rest!
    We will really miss .. Kisses]

    Ass:Sabrina Soares 602

  3. well .. enjoy the feria People!

  4. ainda bem q esta de volta welcome :) saldades (you and a very nice teacher q never took vacation leave :) ) 9 de julho de 2012 11:19

  5. thankfully vacation!!

    Nome:Ana luiza martins fonseca
